Monday, 7 May 2007

In Summary

This holiday was probably the best weather we've yet had. Mid to high 80's constantly. Almost no rain, we had a few spots one day, it wasn't even a real shower, just a few drops. Otherwise we were totally dry. The only thing that marred the weather was during the last few days when the forest fire smoke created a misty haze that tended to hang around well into the day, spoiling the mostly blue skies.

We both liked the car. Although impractical for most people (including us) with it's tiny boot, the fact we could use the back seat for extra storage in the last day was a big help. The fuel economy was not too bad for a US car. I measured a couple of fill-ups on the car's trip computer. Both came out around 17 and 18 Mpg. That's a lot better than the 12-14 I was getting for the SUV in 2005. It also looked a lot nicer of course. :)

We'd both tried to incorporate as many new things as we could into this holiday.
Here's some of what we did new :
  • hired a convertible car
  • stayed overnight at a second hotel
  • had dolphins chase us on the Sea Screamer
  • went for a sail on the Kai Lani
  • visited behind the scenes at Disney
  • tried around half a dozen new places to eat (none were bad)
  • rode a Segway!
  • drove an airboat
  • visited Blizzard Beach (it was closed in 2005)
  • visited Kissimmee
  • visited Cocoa Beach
A couple of things we had planned on doing but didn't manage for one reason or other
  • visit Daytona Beach
  • take a helicopter trip
  • see Eeyore !!
Yes, despite twice visiting MK to search for Eeyore, he stayed hidden from us this time around.

We'll find him in December... watch this space.

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